Tea Parties are Powerful Gatherings
The Women’s Suffrage Movement Started with a Tea Party! So join Us Sunday for a Tea Party for (a) Change!
Did you know the Women’s Suffrage movement in the United States started with a tea party? Here’s the story. The point is, powerful movements can begin with genteel gatherings over tea and cakes. That’s our current plan to change the world, and, we hope you’ll join us!
Our upcoming Artist Talk and Tea this Sunday, from 2 to 4 p.m., will feature six of the artists in our current exhibit, Metamorphosis: Then and Now. It’s a powerful and beautiful show, and the words these young women have to say are important for us all to hear. Sunday’s speakers include Elena Ohlander, Anna Miller, Nykia Jackson, Barbara Hionides, Maya Freeman, and Deja Gee. Show curated by Tatiana Kitchen.
A lovely selection of teas and sweets will be offered. But don’t be fooled by the beauty of it all…we’re talking serious business here. So join us, and bring your daughters, mothers, sisters, grandmothers. We will soothe your soul in more ways than one. Register soon because space is limited.
Register HERE.

Home Tour + Butterflies + Art + Birding!
We had a blast entertaining people at the Home Tour this weekend, sharing the art, butterflies being born, and community connections. Then we met with our new Fellows, Teresa Cook and Emily Mitchell, mentored by Louise Freshman Brown as part of our Zora Neale Hurston Fellowship Program. And the enthusiasm spilled over into a neighborhood birding tour with our Wednesday night class, identifying birds and hugging tress. This is what we call a GOOD TIME!—JW


New Class: Mini-Series on Animals
Other Nations: Writing About the Animals In Our Lives (Mini-Series) We love our pets, and we love to tell stories about them. In this three-part writing series, we’ll consider animals in and beyond their domestic roles. This is a class for people wanting to explore and share our deep connections with these “other nations” we share our planet with, “caught with ourselves in the net of life and time.” (Henry Beston). Facilitated by Anna Jacobson.
Tickets HERE.—JW

Order online via Etsy or pick up more copies in person at San Marco Books and More, Chamblin’s Downtown, or The Creative Exchange (CX904)downtown.
The Last Word
Tips for Better Writing: Mindfulness + Birding
“Taking the time to focus on our feathered friends during bird watching requires us to shift our attention and awareness, living fully in the present moment (the essence of mindfulness).”— Calvin Holbrook