SHOPBuy our gorgeous anthologies, journals, and prints right here. Just click on the image to purchase your copies and have them shipped to your door! For more beautiful items, check our Etsy shop!Volume IV: Rivers and Oceans Edition (2022)Cover art by Tatiana Kitchen: “HEALING WATERS • acrylic on canvas” © 2021 Tatiana KitchenVolume IV, first edition (limited quantities). RIVERS and OCEANSMatching JournalsHEALING WATERS 5 x 7 perfect bound journal, 40 pagesVolume III: Roots and Branches Edition (2021)Cover art by Erin Kendrick: “O” © 2020 Erin KendrickVolume III, first edition (limited quantities). ROOTS and BRANCHESMatching JournalsROOTS 5 x 7 perfect bound journal, 40 pagesBRANCHES 5 x 7 perfect bound journal, 40 pagesVolume II: Birds and Blooms Edition (2020)Cover art by Suzanne Pickett: “Bloom, Inside Out,” the sixth piece in her “Woman, Inside Out” series. © 2020 Suzanne Pickett. Prints available on our Etsy site.Volume II, first edition (limited quantities). BIRDS and BLOOMS.Matching JournalsBIRDS 5 x 7 perfect bound journal, 40 pagesBLOOMS 5 x 7 perfect bound journal, 40 pagesVolume I: Rise and Shine Edition (2019)Cover art by Lana Shuttleworth, titled “What Lies Beneath.” © 2018 Lana Shuttleworth. Volume I, first edition (limited quantities). RISE and SHINE.