“Just give me a cool drink of water before I die.”
— Maya Angelou
Just before the start of 2013, I took a hike with a friend in a Florida park. As we crunched through the underbrush, I told her about my journaling mentor’s suggestion: pick a word to manifest the coming year, journal about it, and see what happens.
As we walked through the woods, I enjoyed the bright red berries of the native Yaupon, the fanning pattern of the dusty green palmetto, and the graceful, sweeping branches of the live oak, still damp from a recent rain. I recognized the resurrection fern on the wet bark, and my word came to mind:
Yes. After being in a semi-dormant state for some time, it was time to resurrect my business life. But this time, I wanted to do it with more integrity. I wanted to create a work container that could hold myself, my values, and my family life — without the sides caving in.
Today, I ask all of you to consider: What would you like to manifest for yourself this coming year? What resolution would you like to see come to fruition? What would you do if you gave yourself the gift of time, and space, and community, to speak your truth?
For truly, intention has power.
When the word “Resurrection” surfaced for me, I had just returned from a trip to Cincinnati, where I had visited the Women Writing for (a) Change school. Walking in the woods that day, it became clear that my resurrection would somehow be aligned with Women Writing for (a) Change.
So, just last weekend, I graduated from the leadership course at WWf(a)C in Cincinnati, paving the way for me to officially open the Jacksonville site. Last month, I also finished our first Jacksonville “sampler” class, giving 11 wonderful women a taste of the WWf(a)C practices. On top of that, we raised $1,000 for another group of women who are resurrecting their lives: Rethreaded.
The first Women Writing for a Change, Jacksonville, class begins January 15, 2014. A new sampler is planned for November 20, 2013.
I am inviting you, today, to consider giving yourself permission to walk this path with me: to resurrect the parts of you that have lain dormant, waiting for a splash of water to restore you.
“Just give me a cool drink of water before I die,” said Maya Angelou.
Just give me a piece of paper, and a pen, before I die. And then let me be born again.
In the garden called, Women Writing for (a) Change.
REGISTER: for the Nov. 20 sampler.
REGISTER: for the January 15 series.
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