BRANCHES Art Exhibit: SPRING 2021
Thursday, January 21, 2020 (online submission)
Exhibition: February 26, 2021, to May 16, 2021
February 27-28, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Drop off/Pick up
Drop Off: Saturday and Sunday, January 30-31, from 1 to 6 p.m.
Pick Up: Weekend of May 22-23, 2021, from 1-6 p.m.
Contact: Louise Freshman Brown, Curator, at, or Jennifer Wolfe:
We are exploring the theme of BRANCHES this spring. A primary theme will be the natural environment, but also branches of women’s writing, art family, community, and personal growth. This show will also include art from other branches of Women Writing for (a) Change around the country. More ideas:
- Noun: 1. botany: a natural subdivision of a plant stem; 2: something that extends from or enters into a main body or source, such as a stream that flows into another usually larger stream, a tributary; a side road or way; a slender projection (such as the tine of an antler, the branches of a menorah; mathematics: a distinctive part of a mathematical curve; 3: a part of a complex body: such as a division of a family descending from a particular ancestor; an area of knowledge that may be considered apart from related areas (branches of medicine); a division of an organization; a branch of the armed services; the government’s legislative and executive branches; a separate but dependent part of a central organization: library branch.
- Verb: 1. botany: to put forth secondary shoots or stems; 2: to extend in different directions from a main part or point: DIVERGE; 3: to develop or derive from a source: to be an outgrowth
Artists: All community members are invited to submit their work. Our guest curator, Louise Freshman Brown, will be inviting specific guest artists. Indoor gallery activities will be more limited due to safety concerns.
Location: Women Writing for (a) Change, Jax, 1610 Osceola Street, Jacksonville, FL, 32204. This is a historic home where numerous writing and related events are held each semester. The writing this semester is based on writing about flowers, nature, and the environment.
Note: Submissions will be accepted via Submittable only. Details in the submissions form.
Next show: RIVERS, Fall 2021. Submission deadline: Mid-August 2021.
Benefits of Exhibiting
- Your work will have multiple exposures to a variety of audiences, as we hold regular classes and a variety of events throughout the semester. Hundreds of people will view your work.
- The artwork is hung in a home setting, creating an inviting environment so that potential patrons can see the way the art might look in their homes.
- The artwork is tied to a positive experience for participants and is therefore imbued with more meaning to patrons.
- Your work and your name will receive press coverage.
- Your work will be captured in our Annual Anthology if you submit it.
- We may ask to create a journal or a booklet with your artwork, providing another platform for your work. You will be reimbursed for this use.
Current and Future Art Exhibits
- RISE (Fall 2018) and SHINE (Spring 2019): Rise and Shine anthology [exhibit curated by Cookie Davis and Deborah Reid]
- BIRDS (Fall 2019) and BLOOMS (Spring 2020): Birds and Blooms anthology [exhibits curated by Deborah Reid]
- ROOTS (Fall 2020) and BRANCHES (Spring 2021): Roots and Branches anthology [exhibit curated by Jennifer Murray Jones (Roots) and Louise Freshman Brown (Branches)]
- RIVERS (Fall 2021) and OCEANS (Spring 2022): River and Oceans anthology
- AND JUSTICE… (Fall 2022) and …FOR ALL (Spring 2223): And Justice…For All anthology
Annual Anthology
The work from these artists, and the writing it inspires each semester, is collected into an annual anthology titled, (a) river rising: Anthology of Women’s Voices. Our first anthology was printed in November of 2019, with the theme of Rise and Shine, based on our 2018-2019 art shows, and including work from the past five years of writing in the Jacksonville community.