”But if you travel far enough, one day you will recognize yourself coming down the road to meet yourself. And you will say, YES.”
—Marion Woodman
Journey to the Places of Your Heart
Let your pen find you on that path to self.
Dear Christina,
For me, summer is. a time of travel and respite…meandering journeys that help me restore and energize myself for the excitement of fall activities. But you don’t have to go far to do that…your pen can help you journey to the faraway spaces and places of your heart.
Let’s write together in community this fall
I invite you to join me and my fellow facilitators this fall to enrich your souls with classes that will to stimulate your dreams, the music of your souls, and the journeys of your hearts.
What bridges are YOU crossing these days? What walks in the woods (or cityscapes) are changing your perspective? What internal shifts are happening? Let’s explore together with pen and paper in hand. Our facilitators, Tru Leverette-Hall, Anna Jacobson, Mary Moore, Juli Williams, Shani Hall, and myself, will be glad to hold space for you.
Our writing this fall will be inspired by the art of our two Zora Neale Hurston Fellows and Artists-In-Residence, Teresa Cook and Emily Mitchell, as they explore their own ideas of “Spaces and Places” on their canvases. They will encourage us to do the same.
Journey back to the future with us
So let’s go backwards and forwards in time, exploring memories and dreaming of our futures. Check out our full line-up of classes scheduled for this fall. There’s something for everyone, so we do hope to see you. Class sizes are limited, so register soon!
Register HERE or follow the links below.
Jennifer Wolfe
Executive Director,
Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville
p.s. more photos below!
We’ve selected the art and the writing for the Anthology, and now we’re beginning the editing process. Jordy/n and I are so pleased to have Marilyn Young, the former managing editor for the Times-Union, on our team, along with other stellar lead editors: Anna Jacobson, Nancy Murrey-Settle, Sharon Scholl, Kristen Kessler, our Flagler intern Annella Rizzuto, art editors Tatiana Kitchen and Deja Gee, and a number of our fabulous high school and college interns! You’re going to love Vol. 6: METAMORPHOSIS: THEN and NOW.
The Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) is a common salamander of the Adirondack Park. It has a complex life cycle, including an aquatic adult stage and a terrestrial stage when it is known as the Red Eft. (Adirondacks Forever Wild) Yet another kind of metamorphosis! This one spotted while I was hiking in the Catskills this summer.—JW
Taking Time to Smell the Flowers
Traveling in the country up North in the summertime—the spaces and places of my heart—I always enjoy the bounty of wildflowers on the roadsides. Cornflowers! Black-Eyed Susans! Queen Anne’s Lace! I need these colors, these flowers, these wild remnants, to remember the wildflower I was once…and still am.—JW
Interior view of an ancient wooden bridge in the Catskills. Where have you been this summer? What places and spaces have inspired you? You can write about them through National Poet Laureate Ada Limón + National Park Services’s new program, #YouAreHerePoetry! More info here: YouAreHere
Justice Anthology
The Last Word
“Reading and writing poetry can situate us in the natural world.” INDEED!