“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.”
―LeeAnn Taylor
Fall Sampler This Wednesday
Unleash Your Inner Writer
Let the Earth—and Writing Circles—Set You Free
Join us this Wednesday for a Fall Sampler of our in-person classes. Unleash your inner writer! Learn how we approach writing, using practices honed by 30 years of facilitating experience.
This class will give you a taste of all of the classes we will be offering this fall. New writer? Remember, you don’t have to be a professional to join in. Experienced? There’s a place for you here, too. Join us! Three spots left. REGISTER HERE.
—Jennifer Wolfe, Executive Director,
Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville
p.s. art exhibit update below!
Fall Classes

What We’ve Been Up To Lately
Preparing for the Fall Art Exhibit
It’s Gonna Be Big!
When artists have to rent a truck to deliver their work, you know a show is going to be big! We’re so pleased to feature 10 artists this fall representing 10 years of women writing together here in Jax. We’re celebrating the art of (a) change—what happens to all of us over time? What thread do we follow? How are we transformed? And what JOY can be felt through the art of (a) change? More shall be revealed. Meanwhile…a sneak peek at the work we’re installing, including pieces by Barbara Hionides, Nykia Jackson, and Tatiana Kitchen. Enjoy—and save the dates of Oct. 20-21 for the opening weekend!—JW

The Last Word
“When, at last, I ceased to be myself, I came to be.”
―Kamand Kojouri