“The river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you;
hold fast to them and celebrate.”
―excerpt from “This is the Hour,” attributed to The Hopi Nation Elders, Oraibi, AZ
Register Now for Fall Classes
This is the hour! Dip your toes into a river of writing this fall.
The river has its destination—and so does your writing! Take the plunge and join a circle.
Dear Friends:
Summer is fast ending and the school year is upon us. Here at Women Writing for (a) Change Jacksonville we follow an academic calendar, as it helps us flow with the river of life for most people. As we explore the theme of RIVERS this fall, in our classes and our art exhibition, we are thinking a lot about flow and depth and currents and letting go. In fact, we’ve had to let go of some of our hopes that we’d all be together in person this fall for our kick-off event. Turns out, the Delta Variant had other plans for us. Sigh.
NEVERTHELESS, she persisted!
We are planning several class delivery options this fall, by ZOOM and in-person (see below), and we’ve converted our inaugural Writers’ Homecoming Reception to a ZOOM event so everyone and anyone can participate safely. Join us to celebrate our writers, mark this annual time of return and renewal, and learn more about our classes and our community.
Take the plunge.
Do consider taking the plunge into our writing classes this fall, honoring your own deep need to write and express yourself in community. The river is calling. “See who is in there with you; hold fast to them and celebrate.”
Hope to see you soon. Register for all classes and events HERE.
Jennifer Wolfe, Executive Director,
Women Writing for (a) Change, Jacksonville
p.s. Artists, submit for RIVERS by midnight Thursday!
Call for Submissions: Deadline Tonight!
RIVERS Art Exhibition: Open call to artists to share your diverse interpretation of RIVERS this fall. Deadline by midnight TONIGHT! Submit today! Submit HERE for the RIVERS Art Exhibition.
Writer’s Homecoming Reception
Writers’ Homecoming Reception: Join us for a delightful kick-off to our fall semester! Meet other writers, old and new, as well as key members of our team. Returning writers are eligible for a special gift for attending; bring a friend and get a special discount on your next class! On ZOOM for safety reasons. Register HERE for the Writer’s Homecoming Reception.
A Class for Everyone: Take Your Pick
Take your pick of in-person classes or ZOOM classes, during the day or in the evening. To make our classes as accessible as possible, we’ve tried to find a way for you to join us whatever your schedule or preference. What’s right for you?
Out and About in New York City
With travel restrictions lifted over the summer, many of us took advantage of the opening to take long-awaited vacations. NYC is a great place for ideas and inspiration, and former Board President Deborah Reid and Executive Director Jennifer Wolfe met down in the Financial District recently to take in the sights. NYC is not 100% back to normal, but the vibe is, as always, exciting. And like every city, they are acknowledging and beginning to make adjustments to historical inequities. So may it be.—JW
The Last Word
“What the river says, that is what I say.”
— from “Ask Me” by William Stafford, from New and Selected Poems, Graywolf Press, 1999